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Program posted

We’re excited to share the program for SST’23 with you! One outstanding keynote, four great papers, one journal-first paper, a fishbowl discussion, and a lot of time for questions and discussions will certainly make for an interesting day! Please join us at SST’23 and register to RE’23 now!

Deadline Extended — June 23

To give prospective authors a chance to finalise their papers, we extended the submission deadline to June 23. If you intend to submit a paper, please submit an abstract ASAP — the abstract can always be updated for the final submission. We are looking forward to your manuscripts!

Keynote by itemis combines practice and research of traceability

We are very happy to announce that our keynote will be held by three representatives of itemis, a German company with a long history of providing traceability solutions. Sruthi, Ario, and Svenja will combine their experience of working with customers with traceability graphs with thousands of nodes and hundreds of thousands of links with their current research on making AI work on these large, realistic traceability models. Join us at SST’23 and get the chance to discuss your work and theirs with them!

Welcome to SST’23 in Hanover!

SST’23, the 11th International Workshop on Software and Systems Traceability, is coming to Hannover! We are very happy to announce that SST’23 will be hosted by RE 2023 and that we will be able to dedicate a whole day to inspiring talks, technical demonstrations, engaging discussions, and many other activities.

The mission of SST’23 is to provide opportunities for the entire community to meet and exchange ongoing work as well as current developments in the field. The workshop will be highly interactive, with short paper presentations about ongoing and early work, a keynote, and many possibilities for exchange and networking. SST’23 will instil a renewed sense that the topics of Software and Systems Traceability continue to be relevant, that there are many groups in the world contributing to the state of the art, and that there are many interesting opportunities to collaborate across groups. It will be a networking event in which dormant collaborations can be rekindled and new ones formed. It will also be an opportunity for young researchers to get to know the community – an opportunity many of them did not have during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to present ongoing and early work as well as tools which are currently being developed. Presentations, discussions, demos, and keynotes as well as a workshop dinner for all attendees are going to round out the program.

The SST’23 team is looking forward to welcoming you in wonderful Hanover!